How to make $1,000 extra a month with is a fast growing online retail store primarily offering outdoor gear at competitive prices. We devote ourselves to offering free shipping along with our exceptional customer service. We welcome you to join our MyTacticalWorld affiliate program. It’s completely free and easy for you to start a business. You can earn an impressive amount of extra money simply by promoting us on your websites, forum, blog, Twitter, Facebook, or even word of mouth!
How does it work?
- You register an account and apply to be an affiliate.
- You receive your own unique code that you give to your customers.
- When a customer checks out, they use your unique code and you get credit for the sale.
- You receive commission for every sale.
Affiliate Program Flow Chart

High conversion rates
- Highly competitive prices
- Quick free shipping
- Outstanding customer service
- Money back guarantee
We are professional
- Variety of unique products
- Professional affiliate support
- Structured platform
- 24 hour support
Make more with us
- 3%-5% available to everyone
- 7% for premium affiliates
- 8% for platinum affiliates
- We offer extra monthly bonuses
How to get started
Step 1: Apply
Fill out the application and tell us a little about yourself. Tell us how you plan to promote our products, Facebook, website (include URL), word of mouth, blog, etc. Include any information you think will be beneficial.
Step 2: Approval
Call us a little picky, but we only like to pick the best candidates. We will review your information and decide if you’re eligible. If you are chosen, we will email you an acceptance form to get you registered.
Step 3: Success
If approved, you will receive your own unique, personal code to give to your customers. This is the code you will tell your customers to use when they check out so you can get credit. Easy right? You do nothing but spread the word. Promote our products and watch the commissions roll in.
If you have any additional questions about working with us, feel free to contact us or email us at